Trello Home V2 on Mobile
About two years ago, Trello introduced Home. The intention was to provide our users with relevant updates and surface content from other boards in their teams. The goal was to increase visibility into what other team members were working on. Sadly, Home was not widely adopted.
With Home V2, the mobile team wanted to update the current Home screen experience. We aimed to provide users with a page that made navigation easier and show them what they should be working on next.
Below are various explorations of what the next version of Home could be.
Up Next Only
In this exploration, we wanted to see if having a feed would be more useful to Trello users. For this, we stripped away everything but the "Up Next" section.
Due Soon and Activity
This exploration split the Home screen between two tabs: “Due Soon” and “Activity”.
In the “Due Soon” tab, cards with due dates assigned to the user would appear in ascending order.
The “Activity” tab would show the latest comments on the cards a user was watching in reverse chronological order.
Due Soon Tab
Overdue cards are hidden in a collapsible section at the top of the screen
Activity Tab
Overdue Cards
Expanding the section reveals all overdue cards
Due Soon
Up Next and My Cards
This exploration split the Home screen between two tabs: “Up Next” and “My Cards”.
The “Up Next” tab displays a user’s watched cards by order of latest activity.
Putting “My Cards” in a tab allowing the user to easily access the cards that are assigned to them.
Up Next Tab
My Cards Sorted by Date
My Cards Tab
Sorting My Cards
Users are able to sort their cards by board or by date